Thursday, June 13, 2013

LYNCH: A GOTHIK WESTERN Ebook Now Available Directly From The Author In Both Mobi & ePub

 With his killer’s cool and famous pearl-handled pistol, Johnny Pearl made a name for himself as an outlaw in the years following the Civil War. 

But fame proved hollow, and Johnny soon finds himself on the outskirts of the Wyoming Territory. After one gunfight too many, he is on the verge of taking his own life --until he finds redemption in the smile of Katie Small Dove.

Katie helps heal his broken soul, giving him the strength to turn his back on the gunslinger's life of death and destruction, and build a new future. Within a year he has a wife, a homestead, and a baby on the way, and for the first time in his life Johnny  Pearl knows true happiness. 

Of course it can not last.

Johnny’s idyllic world is suddenly and irrevocably shattered by the arrival of Captain Antioch Drake, a psychotic cavalry officer determined to avenge the massacre at Little Big Horn. Within minutes of  Drake's arrival, the Pearl homestead is ablaze, Johnny's wife and unborn child cruelly slain, and the reformed outlaw left to hang from a cottonwood. 

Normally, this would be the end of Johnny Pearl’s story—if not for the appearance of a medicine show wagon, driven by a strange old man called Doc Mirablis, who claims to have once been a friend and colleague of a certain Viktor Von Frankenstein.

The life and times of outlaw Johnny Pearl are over. But the adventures of the undead gunslinger called Lynch have just begun…

Cover illustration by SWAMP THING artist Stephen R. Bissette. 

Buy Ebook

Directly From The Author (Mobi & ePub)

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